Make a Hash of it
A really good technique for keeping data safe and secure both at rest and in transit is to hash your data as much as you can. A hash is a function that converts one value to another. Hashing data is a common practice in
A really good technique for keeping data safe and secure both at rest and in transit is to hash your data as much as you can. A hash is a function that converts one value to another. Hashing data is a common practice in
I came across this issue when using an API. The API required a login using a username and password. Nothing strange about that. What was interesting though was the fact that you needed a CSRF token for that login generated from a
The Scenario The scenario is you have a file situated on another server and you need to give certain users access to that file. This file contains sensitive, personal information which you'd rather not have residing in attachments or languishing in a documents folder on
“So if you want to go fast, if you want to get done quickly, if you want your code to be easy to write, make it easy to read.” ― Robert C. Martin, Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship Software development is hard. There are
When building new projects if I am not using an unbuilt server within a framework such as Symfony I like to keep my code-base separate from the web server that is serving up the content. Its good for security because you are not storing vital
Now this little number nearly had me committed! This is a very common error and I can point you to a slew of posts on the topic - this one here, though WAMP based is quite good: DeveloperSide.NET (accessed: 07/02/2016). But hold on
If you come across this little pig - Undefined variable: errors there is an easy fix. The reason for the error is that the errors middleware class is not picking up the route that contains the $error env variable. So, the solution is
In this post we will explore the differences between Microformats and Microdata. We will describe the differences between the two and demonstrate how to build a contact card using both formats. For me Microdata is a hidden gem of HTML5 and if used properly can
Databinding and used in conjunction with SQL statements in PHP is not strictly just the domain of OOP PHP but given we are using PDO to connect to the DB which is the OOP method it makes sense to use best practice where ever possible.
Why should we consider switching over to EMs? For close on five years now the desktop is no longer considered to be the number one device for web consumption. On 16 April 2015 an article in the reported that UK mobile use tops desktop and